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Lo Institutional Strategies (ch) - Lpp 30 Z (0P0000PX2E)

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118,248 -0,100    -0,08%
13/03 - Gesloten. Valuta in CHF
Type:  Fonds
Markt:  Zwitserland
Emittent:  Lombard Odier Asset Mgt (Switzerland) SA
ISIN:  CH0115141985 
Activaklasse:  Aandeel
  • Beoordeling Morningstar:
  • Totale activa: 41,43M
LO Institutional Strategies CH - LPP 30 Z D 118,248 -0,100 -0,08%

0P0000PX2E Overzicht

Op deze pagina vindt u een uitgebreid profiel van Lo Institutional Strategies (ch) - Lpp 30 Z. Kom meer te weten over onder meer het senior management, de totale activa, de investeringsstrategie en de contactgegevens van 0P0000PX2E.

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Contact Informatie

Adres Sihlstrasse 20
Petit-Lancy, 1213
Telefoon 022 793 06 87
Fax Petit-Lancy


Naam Titel Sinds Tot
Florian Ielpo - 2022 now
Alain Forclaz Portfolio Manager 2022 now
Biografie Alain is Deputy CIO in LOIM’s Multi-Asset Group, supporting Aurèle Storno in the day-to-day supervision of team and portfolio management activities. He also leads investor relations for the group. Prior to joining Lombard Odier in 2016, Alain founded Kereon Capital, where he managed a systematic global macro strategy. Prior to that, he spent over ten years in the City of London. From 2007-2012 Alain was a Director at Royal Bank of Scotland, structuring, executing and risk managing a wide range of fixed income derivative solutions for institutional clients. Prior to that he was a Vice President on the structured credit desk at Credit Suisse First Boston. He started his career as a structured finance analyst with Moody’s Investors Service in 2002. Alain earned a master’s degree in mathematics from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne (EPFL) and a PhD in mathematical sciences from Oxford University.
Aurèle Storno Head 2018 now
Biografie Aurèle is head of the Asset Allocation team and the lead portfolio manager of LO Funds–All Roads. He is also the CIO of the Lombard Odier Pension Fund, pioneer of our risk-based philosophy since October 2009. Aurèle’s service with the firm dates back to August 2001, initially with the fund research unit, analysing both traditional long-only funds and hedge funds. He joined the centralised portfolio management unit for private clients in 2004. In 2006, he started managing pension fund mandates on the institutional global balanced desk, which he has been heading up since 2008. Aurèle earned a master’s degree in engineering from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne (EPFL) in 1999 and is a CFA Charterholder.
Porfyria Malama - 2016 2018
Benjamin Meyer - 2016 2018
Thierry Bechu Portfolio Manager 2014 2018
Biografie Thierry Béchu is a Portfolio Manager responsible for the Swiss and European mandates within LOIM’s Multi-Asset Group since July 2014. He originally joined LOIM as a Portfolio Manager October 2010. Prior to joining, Thierry was a senior portfolio manager at Lyxor in their funds of Hedge Funds business. Previously, he was a senior portfolio manager of a global macro hedge fund at Société Générale from 2002 to 2005. Before that, he was a founding partner and CIO of La Financière du Jour, an independent asset management company. Prior to that, he was a proprietary trader at Commerzbank from 1995 to 1998. He began his career as a proprietary trader at Dresdner Bank in 1990. Thierry earned a master’s degree in economics and a pre-PHD diploma (DEA) in finance from Orléans University in 1988. He wrote a reference book on technical analysis and is the co-founder and former president of the French Association for Technical Analysis (AFATE). He also teaches at Paris Dauphine University.
Sui Kai Wong Co-Portfolio Manager 2014 2016
Biografie SuiKai is co-Portfolio Manager of LOF All Roads Multi-Asset fund and involved in the portfolio management of institutional mandates. He joined the team in November 2012 after a research internship, when he developed volatility measures and pooling strategy. He is leading key quantitative developments related to our multi-asset strategies, including the development and improvement of our risk budgeting techniques (drawdown management). Sui Kai earned a master’s degree in financial engineering from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) in 2012. He also holds a bachelor’s degree in statistics from the University of Warwick.
Guilhem Savry - 2010 2014
Olivier Blin Portfolio Manager 2010 2014
Biografie Olivier Blin ■Portfolio Manager ■Joined Unigestion (UK) Limited in 2014 Previously, Olivier Blin was a Global Balanced Portfolio Manager within LOIM’s Risk Allocation Team. He joined LOIM in May 2010. Olivier began his career as a portfolio analyst for the French Reserve Fund in 2006, responsible for selecting fund managers and monitoring investment mandates. Olivier earned a master’s degree in financial engineering from the University of Caen Basse-Normandie in 2006.
Alexeil Mikhailov - 2010 2014
Biografie Alexeil Mikhailov is a Portfolio Manager within LOIM’s Risk Allocation Team since February 2010. He joined Lombard Odier in July 2008 as a Junior Portfolio Manager in the Key Clients Team within Private Banking Investment Services, where his responsibilities included fixed income and derivative product research and analysis. Alexeil earned a master’s degree in finance and economics from the London School of Economics in 2007. He also holds a bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of St. Gallen.
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