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Jpmorgan Funds - Asia Pacific Income Fund A (mth) - Hkd (0P0000WAWN)

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11,470 -0,090    -0,78%
10/03 - Gesloten. Valuta in HKD
Type:  Fonds
Markt:  Hongkong
Emittent:  JPMorgan Asset Management (Europe) S.à r.l.
ISIN:  LU0784638990 
Activaklasse:  Aandeel
  • Beoordeling Morningstar:
  • Totale activa: 1,24B
JPMorgan Funds - Asia Pacific Income Fund A mth - 11,470 -0,090 -0,78%

0P0000WAWN Overzicht

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Adres European Bank & Business Centre 6, route de Trèves
Luxembourg, L-2633
Telefoon +352 34 101


Naam Titel Sinds Tot
Julio Callegari - 2023 now
Ruben Lienhard - 2018 now
Biografie Ruben Lienhard, Executive Director, is a portfolio manager for the Emerging Markets and Asia Pacific (EMAP) Income strategy within the EMAP Equities team, based in Hong Kong. He joined the team in 2014 from Citadel in Hong Kong, where he was an equity research analyst covering industrials across Asia Pacific. Prior to that he worked in New York, first as an analyst in Credit Suisse’s Mergers and Acquisitions Group and then as a research analyst at S.A.C. Capital, where he covered U.S. technology, media and telecom equities. Ruben earned an M.B.A. with distinction from INSEAD and graduated Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Chicago with a B.A. in Economics.
Selina Yu - 2018 now
Julie Ho - 2014 now
Biografie Julie Ho, executive director, is a portfolio manager for the Emerging Markets and Asia Pacific (EMAP) Equities Income strategy within the EMAP Equities team, based in Hong Kong. She has been with the team since 2013, and helped to launch the JPMorgan Asia Equity Dividend Fund. Prior to that, she was an equity analyst within our US Equities team covering the REITs sectors since 2005. Julie graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Brown University with a B.S. in Biology and a B.A. in Economics. She is a CFA Charterholder.
Shaw Yann Ho - 2014 2024
Jeffrey Roskell Managing Director 2010 2024
Biografie Jeffrey Roskell, managing director, is a regional specialist for Asia Pacific inc-Japan equities with the Emerging Markets and Asia Pacific (EMAP) Equities Team based in Hong Kong. He joined the Firm in 1997 as an investment manager with the Global Equities Team (previously known as the Global Portfolios Group) in Hong Kong and then transferred to manage Asia specific portfolios in 2000. He joined the industry in 1992 as a graduate trainee with Prudential Portfolio Managers Limited in London and subsequently specialized in managing portfolios invested in Continental European equities. Jeffrey obtained an M.A. in Economics from Cambridge University and an Investment Management Certificate from the London Business School.
Stephen Koon Bong Chang Senior Trader 2004 2018
Biografie Stephen Chang, managing director, is head of the Asian Fixed Income team within the Global Fixed Income, Currency & Commodities (GFICC) group. Based in Hong Kong, his team is responsible for managing bond portfolios in the region and is active in Asian credit instruments across investment grade and high yield to local currency bonds and convertibles. In addition, his responsibilities include setting macro and asset allocation strategy as part of the broader emerging market debt team. Prior to joining the firm in 2004, Stephen worked with the Royal Bank of Scotland in Hong Kong as senior interest rates and derivatives trader. Previously he was based in New York with Fischer Francis Trees & Watts, Inc. as a global fixed income portfolio analyst and was later appointed as a global fixed income portfolio manager. He holds a B.Sc. in computer science from Cornell University, an M.Sc. in management science from Stanford University and is a CFA charterholder.
Adam Upton Vice President, Regional Portfolio Manager, Specialist 2012 2012
Biografie Adam Upton, vice president, is a regional investment manager and property specialist with the Pacific Regional Group in Hong Kong. Adam re-joined the firm in 2007 after 4 years at ABN Amro Australia where he was a director and head of real estate research. Adam first joined JPMorgan Australia (previously Ord Minnett Securities) in 1996 as an industrial analyst responsible for coverage of Real Estate Developers and Transport Sectors. He began his career in 1994 as a finance and accounting graduate with Macquarie Bank. Adam obtained a bachelor in accounting and business (Hons) from the University of Technology, Sydney. He is also a CFA charterholder.
Joe W Kwok Senior Managing Director 2010 2012
Biografie Joe joined Murphy Capital Management in 2010 after working nine years in investment banking. Prior to joining Murphy Capital Management, Joe was a Vice President in investment banking for Putnam Lovell NSF Securities and its successor firm Jefferies & Co. where he advised corporate clients on mergers and acquisitions, capital raising and other corporate finance activities. Previous to investment banking, he worked on the formation of First American International Bank. Joe holds a BS degree in Biological Sciences and a minor in Economics from Stanford University and a MA in Economics from New York University.
Arthur E. Lau investment manager 2006 2010
Biografie Arthur E. Lau, vice president, is a senior portfolio manager. He joined the firm in 2005. Immediately prior to joining the firm Arthur worked with Barclays Capital in Singapore as a director in Credit Research and previously spent five years with Fitch Ratings as director in the Greater China Financial Institution Analyst Team focusing on rating analysis for financial institutions. Arthur gained his equity analysis experience working with BNP Prime Peregrine as research manager focusing on Hong Kong and China equities; Sassoon Securities as a regional property and banking equity analyst and Citibank NA, Canada as an equities derivatives analyst. He began his career in 1987 when he joined HongkongBank Group in Hong Kong as a manager focusing on corporate and commercial banking. Arthur obtained a BBA in Business Administration from The Chinese University of Hong Kong and an MBA from The University of Western Ontario, Canada. He is also a CFA and CMA charterholder.
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