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Sarasin Ie Multi Asset - Dynamic (usd) Class I Accumulating Shares (0P0000WIDR)

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159,178 +0,340    +0,21%
06/03 - Vertraagde Data. Valuta in USD
Type:  Fonds
Markt:  Ierland
Emittent:  Sarasin Funds Management (Ireland) Ltd.
ISIN:  IE00B60G6G71 
Activaklasse:  Aandeel
  • Beoordeling Morningstar:
  • Totale activa: 395,12M
Sarasin IE GlobalSar - Dynamic (USD) Class I Accum 159,178 +0,340 +0,21%

0P0000WIDR Overzicht

Op deze pagina vindt u een uitgebreid profiel van Sarasin Ie Multi Asset - Dynamic (usd) Class I Accumulating Shares. Kom meer te weten over onder meer het senior management, de totale activa, de investeringsstrategie en de contactgegevens van 0P0000WIDR.

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Naam Titel Sinds Tot
Alastair Baker Portfolio Manager 2024 now
Biografie Alastair is responsible for managing the Target Return Mandate with Guy Monson, Chief Market Strategist, and Senior Partner. Prior to joining Sarasin, Alastair worked at abrdn where he lead a strategic review of their Multi Asset and ESG investment capabilities working closely with the executive leadership. He has also worked at Schroders where he was responsible for Diversified Growth Mandates which sought to deliver clients inflation plus returns over a market cycle and Total Return Mandates which sought to deliver cash plus returns over 3 years. Alastair is a graduate of Bristol University where he holds a First in Economics and Econometrics.
Michael Jervis Portfolio Manager 2024 now
Biografie Michael is a fund manager on the multi asset desk. Michael joined Sarasin and Partners in December 2023 having previously spent 9 years at Barings, most recently as a managing director and multi asset portfolio manager. During which time he managed a wide range of multi asset portfolios across client types, risk profiles and base currencies. At Barings, Michael also chaired the firm’s asset allocation committee which drove multi asset portfolio allocation across the firm. Prior to working at Barings Michael held an investment role at LCP and a research role at the Bank of England. First class honours degree in economics from the University of Bath. CFA® charter holder.
Tom Kynge Portfolio Manager 2024 now
Biografie Assisting with a variety of projects within Multi-Asset Funds and Third Party Funds. Responsible for monthly data reporting. Tom has 4 years of investment experience. Prior to joining Sarasin & Partners Tom worked at Vanguard Asset Management in the Investment Strategy Group for 1 year as part of his degree course. Following graduation, he has worked for Engelhart Commodity Trading Partners as a risk analyst and at Oxford University Press as a commercial finance analyst. Graduated from University of Bath with a BSc in Economics. Investment Management Certificate (IMC). CFA® level 1 & CFA® level 2.
Phil Collins Portfolio Manager 2024 now
Biografie Phil oversees the multi-asset franchise. Phil has more than 35 years’ investment experience. Recently appointed to CIO, Multi Asset to oversee the Multi-Asset franchise and develop Sarasin & Partners’ expanding investment team. Prior to joining Sarasin & Partners in 2013, he worked at Newton Investment Management where he was Chief Investment Officer of the private clients and charities division. He also established and managed the Newton Phoenix range of funds which enjoyed strong performance and won a number of awards. Before joining Newton, Phil held investment management roles at Capital House & Leopold Joseph. Fellow of the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment.
Henning Meyer - 2020 2024
Biografie Henning is the fund manager of Sarasin’s Multi-Asset fund range as well as deputy fund manager of Sarasin’s multi asset funds for charities. In addition Henning is a member of the firm’s Investment Policy Committee focusing on tactical asset allocation across a range of asset classes. Henning joined Sarasin & Partners in 2014 as an Investment Manager within the Private Client department, moving to his current role in February 2017.
David Palmer - 2013 2020
Biografie David has 25 years of investment experience, and joined Sarasin & Partners in November 2000. He is the Investment Manager for the Sarasin IE GlobalSar Income and Dynamic Funds, and a number of portfolios for private clients. Prior to joining the firm, much of his career was spent with the Royal Bank of Canada where he started as an credit analyst before becoming a director of its investment bank subsidiary, which included working in Japan. He also worked with the Birmingham based stockbrokers Albert E Sharp.
Aram Compton - 2013 2017
Biografie Aram Compton joined Sarasin & Partners in August 2007. He runs a selection of global multi-asset portfolios for institutional and retail clients, including the GlobalSar range, Sarasin’s flagship multi-asset product. Aram is a member of the firm’s Investment Policy Committee, which forms the firm’s asset allocation views, and he also invests in direct equities and bonds on a bottom up basis. He graduated from the ICMA Centre at Henley Business School with a BSc in International Securities, Investment and Banking and is a Chartered Financial Analyst.
David Vickers - 2011 2013
Guy Monson CIO (Chief Investment Officer) 2010 2011
Biografie Guy Monson, CIO and Senior Partner of Sarasin & Partners LLP, has over 35 years of investment experience having joined the company in 1984. In 1988, he became manager of Sarasin’s flagship GlobalSar (now Multi Asset) family of balanced investment funds, winning awards for investment performance and risk profile. He has pioneered the use of thematic investment in the management of global equity portfolios and today leads the firm’s global investment and markets strategy for a wide range of charitable, endowment and private clients. Guy writes regularly in the international financial press and appears on Bloomberg and other financial channels. He is also a Trustee of the Invictus Games Foundation, a member of the London School of Economics Ideas Board and a Foundation Fellow of Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford University.
Daniel Briggs - 2002 2010
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