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Jpmorgan Funds - Europe Equity Plus Fund C (perf) (acc) - Eur (0P0000THMM)

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400,170 +4,640    +1,17%
14/03 - Gesloten. Valuta in EUR
Type:  Fonds
Markt:  Luxemburg
Emittent:  JPMorgan Asset Management (Europe) S.à r.l.
ISIN:  LU0289214545 
Activaklasse:  Aandeel
  • Beoordeling Morningstar:
  • Totale activa: 2,65B
JPMorgan Funds - Europe Equity Plus Fund C perf ac 400,170 +4,640 +1,17%

0P0000THMM Overzicht

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Contact Informatie

Adres European Bank & Business Centre 6, route de Trèves
Luxembourg, L-2633
Telefoon +352 34 101


Naam Titel Sinds Tot
Ben Stapley - 2017 now
Biografie Ben Stapley, managing director, is a portfolio manager within the J.P. Morgan Asset Management International Equity Group, based in London. An employee since 2002, Ben holds a BA degree in Economics and is a CFA charterholder.
Nicholas Horne - 2010 now
Biografie Nicholas Horne, managing director, is a portfolio manager and the Head of Global Structured Equity Group within the J.P. Morgan Asset Management International Equity Group, based in London. An employee since 2006, Nicholas joined the firm as a graduate trainee. He holds a BSM in Finance and International Relations from Tulane University, and a MSc in Politics of the World Economy from the London School of Economics and Political Science. Nicholas is a CFA charterholder.
Michael Barakos Managing Director 2007 now
Biografie Michael Barakos, managing director, is a portfolio manager within the J.P. Morgan Asset Management International Equity Group, based in London. An employee since 1999, Michael was Head of the Europe Equities Behavioural Finance Team between 2009 and 2016 and co-CIO of the International Equities Behavioural Finance Team between 2017 and 2020. Michael joined the firm as a graduate trainee. He obtained a BSc (Hons) in Economics from the London School of Economics and Political Science and is a CFA charterholder.​
Stephen Macklow-Smith - 2015 2017
Biografie Stephen Macklow-Smith, managing director, is a portfolio manager within the J.P. Morgan Asset Management European Equity Group, responsible for Core portfolios, the European assets of UK pension funds and the JPMorgan European Investment Trust. An employee since 1997, Stephen was previously head of the European team at HSBC Asset Management. Prior to this, he was a fund manager of European pension fund assets at Henderson Administration. Stephen obtained an M.A. in Classics and Modern Languages from Oxford University.
Alexander Fitzalan Howard Fleming Investment Management 2012 2017
Biografie Fitzalan Howard joined Flemings in 1986. From 1990, was involved in the development of the Czechoslovakia Investment Corporation Inc., and responsible for the establishment of the first Czech domestic mutual funds. Set up Flemings' Prague office in 1992. Returned to London in 1993 as an Investment Manager with Flemings' North American Portfolios Group. Took over the management of Save and Prosper Overseas Growth Trust in 1994. Appointed a Director of Fleming Investment Management in 1998.
David Allen Head of Long/Short Strategies 2015 2016
Biografie David joined Plato in 2018, having previously spent 15 years at JP Morgan Asset Management in London. He managed the JP Morgan Europe Strategic Dividend Fund from 2006-2010, designed and launched the JP Morgan Europe Equity Plus active-extension fund in 2007 (which grew to €6 bn), and became Managing Director and Head of Research in 2009. After starting a PhD at Cambridge in 2011, he returned to JP Morgan in 2013, launching the JP Morgan Europe Equity Absolute Alpha Market Neutral fund, which grew to €1 bn and won the Eurohedge UCITS best fund award within a year.
Beltrán de la Lastra CIO & Founder 2007 2014
Biografie Panza Capital-(CIO & Founder): Investment leader of Panza Capital a newly formed independent asset manager mostly serving retail clients in Spain investing in Europe and US. Bestinver-(NON COMPETE): 2 years non compete contract with Bestinver. Bestinver-( CIO & President): Investment and business head of a $7 billion book in equity mandates for the leading independent asset manager in Spain. The investment process is based on a team of 7 investment specialists focus in European and Global EquitiesAwarded best Expansion Domestic Asset Manager in Spain 2017. JPMORGAN INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT-( CIO European Core Research & International Enhanced Equities): Investment and business head of a $13.5 billion book in equity mandates for Retail and Institutional clients. The investment process is based on a team of 7 experienced portfolio managers that combine access to fundamental research analysis with disciplined portfolio construction. The mandates that we run are either single region (Europe, Asia, UK and Japan) or multi-region (Global, EAFE, Kokusai) as mutual funds or as segregated accounts. European Equities mandates represent 50% of the current book of business. While most of the assets are Institutional segregated mandates I manage a number of mutual funds which I detail below. The flagship fund is Europe Select. All the mutual funds that I manage within Europe Equities target excess returns with strong risk management: JPM Europe Select Equity: Morningstar ***** share classes B,C. Lower for more expensive share classes given the riskbudget JPM Europe Select Equity Plus: Morningstar **** share classes A JPM Euroland Select Equity: Morningstar ***** share classes B, C JPM Global REI Fund: Morningstar ***** share classes X “A” share classes may have lower star rating given the controlled risk budget and fees Within pension funds publicly quoted I manage: JPM Life Continental Europe Select Equity: Lipper Leader 5 rating. This represents the top score which represents the top 20% compared to peers in areas such as preserving capital or building wealth through consistent, strong returns ETF: Responsible for the 1st ever launched ETF by JPMorgan Investment Management (June 2014). JPM Global Equities Diversified Return (JPGE US Equity) Member of JPMorgan Investment Management EMEA Operating Committee JP MORGAN SECURITIES Ltd-(DERIVATIVES QUANTITATIVE ANALYST): Hybrid derivatives - pricing and risk management for JP Morgan Exotic Derivatives Book.
Christopher Llewelyn Portfolio Manager 2010 2012
Biografie Christopher Llewelyn, executive director, is a portfolio manager within the J.P. Morgan Asset Management European Equity Group. An employee since 1985, Chris was previously head of the statistics group. Prior to this, he was responsible for the management of index funds and performance analysis in the quantitative portfolios group. Before this, Chris was head of the investment information department at Save and Prosper. Chris obtained an H.N.D. in Business Studies from London Guildhall University.
David Allen Head of Long/Short Strategies 2008 2011
Biografie David joined Plato in 2018, having previously spent 15 years at JP Morgan Asset Management in London. He managed the JP Morgan Europe Strategic Dividend Fund from 2006-2010, designed and launched the JP Morgan Europe Equity Plus active-extension fund in 2007 (which grew to €6 bn), and became Managing Director and Head of Research in 2009. After starting a PhD at Cambridge in 2011, he returned to JP Morgan in 2013, launching the JP Morgan Europe Equity Absolute Alpha Market Neutral fund, which grew to €1 bn and won the Eurohedge UCITS best fund award within a year.
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