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Cfs Fc W Psup-fsi Global Property Sec (LP65001419)

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2,770 -0,030    -1,20%
13/03 - Gesloten. Valuta in AUD
Type:  Fonds
Markt:  Australië
Emittent:  Commonwealth/Colonial Group
ISIN:  AU60FSF06889 
Activaklasse:  Aandeel
  • Beoordeling Morningstar:
  • Totale activa: 85,33M
CFS FC W PSup-CFS W Global Property Sec 2,770 -0,030 -1,20%

LP65001419 Overzicht

Op deze pagina vindt u een uitgebreid profiel van Cfs Fc W Psup-fsi Global Property Sec. Kom meer te weten over onder meer het senior management, de totale activa, de investeringsstrategie en de contactgegevens van LP65001419.

Equity Global Real Estate

Totale activa





Contact Informatie

Adres South Buidling 11 Harbour St Sydney
Sydney,NSW 2001
Telefoon 13 13 36
Fax +61 02 9303 3200


Naam Titel Sinds Tot
Stephen Hayes Head 2012 now
Biografie Stephen Hayes is a Head of Global Property Securities for First State. In his role, Stephen is responsible for management of the Global Property Securities team, one of a number of First State investment teams. The team manages Domestic, Asian and Global Property Securities portfolios for a number of funds. Prior to re-joining First State in September 2012, Stephen was Managing Director at Perennial Real Estate Investments, where he worked for over six years. Before his time at Perennial, Stephen worked at First State Investments as Head of Property Securities. Stephen holds a Bachelor of Commerce (Economics and Management) from the University of Wollongong and is a Fellow of the Financial Services Institute of Australia.
Tim Shaw - 2013 2018
Biografie Tim Shaw joined Pengana in 2007, bringing with him 16 years of experience in investment banking and funds management. Tim is responsible for Financials (including Real Estate), Healthcare and Infrastructure. Prior to joining Pengana, Tim was Co-head of Real Estate Investment Banking, Australia at Deutsche Bank, where he was responsible for client coverage across the Australian listed real estate sector. Tim gained eight years experience in REIB at Deutsche Bank through his involvement in a broad range of M&A, Equity Capital Markets, Hybrid, FX and Rates transactions across a variety of real estate clients in the region. Prior to his role at Deutsche Bank, Tim was part of Macquarie Bank's investment banking division, working in Sydney and Melbourne as well as in Singapore. During his career at Macquarie, Tim focussed on infrastructure, structured finance and real estate. From his experience Tim brings to the team comprehensive knowledge of bank operations and a broad understanding of real estate and infrastructure investment and development within the Asia-Pacific region. Combining this with relationships across management teams and financiers in the region, gives Tim strong insights into the future direction of the financial sector. Tim has a Bachelor of Commerce (Finance) and Bachelor of Laws from the University of New South Wales.
Tuan Pham - 2012 2018
Biografie Tuan is responsible for the analysis and research of property companies in the Asia Pacific region. Asian property securities are held in our global and Asian Property Securities portfolios. Prior to re-joining CFSGAM in November 2012, Tuan was the Regional Head for Asia at Perennial Real Estate Investments, where she worked for over six years. Before her time at Perennial, Tuan worked at First State Investments as a Portfolio Manager covering property securities in the Asia Pacific region.
Daniela Lungu - 2012 2018
Biografie Daniela is responsible for the management of UK and European Property Securities portfolios across a number of funds and mandates. Prior to joining CFSGAM in October 2012, Daniela was a property consultant, advising European property companies on a range of strategic projects. Before that, Daniela was a Portfolio Manager for UK and European property securities at CBRE Investors, a position she held for six years. Daniela also has extensive experience as an equity research analyst at Sky Capital, Deutsche Bank and at Creditanstal (now part of UniCredit Group).
Boudewjin van Loen - 2012 2018
Stuart Axelrod - 2009 2018
Biografie Stuart shares responsibility for the management of Americas Property Securities portfolios across a number of funds and mandates. Prior to joining CFSGAM in August 2009, Stuart worked on the buy-side focused on the REIT sector for five years as an Investment Analyst at Citigroup Global Markets - Equity Principal Strategies, as a portfolio manager at Platinum Management (NY) LLC and as an Equity Analyst at High Rise Capital Management LP. Before moving to the buy-side, Stuart worked for six years as a sell-side REIT equity analyst at Lehman Brothers where he was a member of top ranked REIT research teams from 1997-2003. Stuart started his career at Bankers Trust Company in New York where he worked as an Associate in Global Economic Research.
Marc Lederman - 2007 2016
Biografie Marc shares responsibility for the management of Americas Property Securities portfolios across a number of funds and mandates. Prior to joining CFSGAM in March 2007, Marc spent several years as a Senior Analyst in UBS Real Estate’s Global Property Securities team. He was part of the New York based team that managed global and regional property securities funds and focused on the North American retail, net-lease, hotel and specialty property sectors. Before joining UBS Real Estate in 2004, Marc held several senior roles within UBS Global Asset Management’s business group management and financial control departments. This included a two year international assignment in London as a Senior Business Analyst within Strategic Planning and a two year assignment as Controller for the division’s Chief Investment Officer.
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