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Cfs Fc Inv-aspect Diversified Futures (LP68054544)

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0,851 +0,002    +0,27%
12/03 - Gesloten. Valuta in AUD
Type:  Fonds
Markt:  Australië
Emittent:  Commonwealth/Colonial Group
ISIN:  AU60FSF10840 
Activaklasse:  Andere
  • Beoordeling Morningstar:
  • Totale activa: 3,62M
CFS FC Inv-Aspect Div Futures 0,851 +0,002 +0,27%

LP68054544 Overzicht

Op deze pagina vindt u een uitgebreid profiel van Cfs Fc Inv-aspect Diversified Futures. Kom meer te weten over onder meer het senior management, de totale activa, de investeringsstrategie en de contactgegevens van LP68054544.

Alternative Strategies - Managed Futures

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Contact Informatie

Adres South Buidling 11 Harbour St Sydney
Sydney,NSW 2001
Telefoon 13 13 36
Fax +61 02 9303 3200


Naam Titel Sinds Tot
Chris Reeve - 2015 now
Biografie Christopher Reeve is Aspect Capital’s Director of Investment Solutions.  In this role, he coordinates the company’s product design processes, ensuring that Aspect’s investment strategy capabilities are assembled into coherent investment products which fit investor needs.  This includes working closely with all of Aspect’s different research and portfolio management teams to customise products and mandates, as well as working with Aspect’s global client base to understand their requirements and ensure they have full transparency into Aspect’s strategies.  Christopher has been a member of Aspect’s Senior Management Team (SMT) since 2015. The SMT is a group of Directors which supports the Executive Board in its management of the company and gives input into strategic business decisions.  He is also a member of Aspect’s Portfolio Risk Group, a cross-department group of Board Members and Directors, responsible for reviewing portfolios, monitoring the final stages of the research process and assessing all facets of the investment process.
Anthony Todd co-founded 2010 now
Biografie Mr. Anthony Todd is a Co-Founder and serves as the Chief Executive Officer at Aspect Capital. He chairs Aspect's Executive Board which determines Aspect's overall corporate and strategic direction. He chairs Aspect's Investment Committee and takes board level responsibility for Risk Management. Before establishing Aspect, Anthony worked at Adam, Harding and Lueck Limited (AHL), Mars & Co. and UBS. He holds a B.A. in Physics from Oxford University and an M.B.A. from INSEAD in France.
Martin Lueck co-Founder, Director 2010 now
Biografie Mr. Martin Lueck is a Co-Founder and serves as Research Director and President at Aspect Capital. Marty co-founded Aspect in September 1997 and is our Research Director. He oversees the Research Team responsible for generating and analysing fundamental research hypotheses for development of all Aspect’s investment programmes. Marty is also a member of Aspect’s Investment Committee. He currently serves on the Board of the National Futures Association and as Chair of the Oxford Physics Development Board.
Anna Hull - 2010 2015
Biografie Anna Hull Director of Risk Mrs. Hull, who joined Aspect Capital in June 2008, is Aspect’s Director of Risk Appointed Director of Risk in February 2014, Mrs. Hull is in charge of Aspect’s Risk team, which is responsible for the oversight of all market, model and operational risks across Aspect. Additionally, Mrs. Hull is a member of the Risk Management Committee, which assumes overall responsibility for the operation of Aspect’s investment programs. Prior to becoming Director of Risk, Mrs. Hull was Aspect’s Director of Product Management. In this capacity, Mrs. Hull led the Product Management team in its role of providing transparency and quantitative expertise to Aspect’s clients. Before joining Aspect, Mrs. Hull was a Senior Portfolio Manager at Old Mutual Asset Managers (UK), an asset management firm owned by the international financial services company Old Mutual. Mrs. Hull joined Old Mutual Asset Managers (UK) in August 2004 and left in May 2008, and was responsible for managing a range of quantitative hedge fund strategies and long-only portfolios. In January 2003, Mrs. Hull joined Northern Trust Global Investments (the asset management division of Northern Trust, a global financial services company) as part of its acquisition of the quantitative investment divisions of Deutsche Asset Management. Mrs. Hull was a Senior Portfolio Manager there, and left in July 2004. Mrs. Hull joined Deutsche Asset Management, then known as Morgan Grenfell, in August 1998. Deutsche Asset Management was the global asset management division of Deutsche Bank, the global banking firm. Mrs. Hull worked as a Quantitative Portfolio Manager at Deutsche Asset Management until January 2003, transferring to Northern Trust as part of the acquisition. Mrs. Hull holds an MA in Mathematical Sciences from Oxford University. She is also a Certified FRM and a CFA charterholder.
Simon Brown Director of Research 2010 2015
Biografie Simon Brown Director of Research Dr. Brown joined Aspect Capital in May 2004 and is Director of Research. He is responsible for the management of the Research team, subject to the oversight of Mr. Lueck. Dr. Brown is a member of Aspect’s Risk Management Committee which assumes overall responsibility for the operation of Aspect’s investment programs, and the Investment Management Committee which is responsible for setting and overseeing the broad strategic agenda for the company’s research effort. Prior to joining the Research Team in December 2006, Dr. Brown worked in the Technology Team at Aspect, developing the middle and back office systems that are in use at Aspect. Between June 2002 and May 2004, Dr. Brown worked as a technologist in Equity Risk at UBS (an international investment bank), focusing on the development of the system that was used to manage UBS’s global equity risk portfolio. From September 1999 to May 2002, Dr. Brown began his career as a consultant for Oracle Corporation (a multinational computer technology corporation), providing technology solutions to clients within finance and other industries. He holds a PhD in Computer Science from Sheffield University after gaining a 1st class degree in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence from Birmingham University.
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