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Capital Group New Perspective Fund (lux) B (0P00016RPN)

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21,730 -0,240    -1,09%
13/03 - Vertraagde Data. Valuta in EUR
Type:  Fonds
Markt:  Luxemburg
Emittent:  Capital Group
ISIN:  LU1295551144 
Activaklasse:  Aandeel
  • Beoordeling Morningstar:
  • Totale activa: 15,9B
Capital Group New Perspective Fund LUX B 21,730 -0,240 -1,09%

0P00016RPN Overzicht

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Aandelen Wereldwijd Large-Cap Groei

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Naam Titel Sinds Tot
Anne-Marie Peterson - 2023 now
Biografie Anne-Marie Peterson is an equity portfolio manager at Capital Group. She has 29 years of investment industry experience and has been with Capital Group for 19 years. Earlier in her career at Capital, she was an equity investment analyst covering U.S. retail and restaurants. Prior to joining Capital, she was a partner and research analyst for Thomas Weisel Partners and before that, she was a research associate at Montgomery Securities. She holds a bachelor's degree in economics from the University of California, Irvine. She also holds the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation. Anne-Marie is based in San Francisco.
Kohei Higashi - 2023 now
Biografie Kohei Higashi is an equity portfolio manager at Capital Group. As an equity investment analyst, he has research responsibility for electrical equipment, industrial conglomerates, machinery, consumer products, retail and textiles & apparel in Japan. He has 28 years of investment experience and has been with Capital Group for 20 years. Earlier in his career at Capital, he covered Japanese photographic products and office electronics, as well as Asian and European automobile manufacturers. Prior to joining Capital, he was a senior crude oil trader at Mitsubishi Corp. He holds an MBA from Harvard Business School and a bachelor's degree from the University of Tsukuba in Japan. Kohei is based in Los Angeles.
Patrice Collette Equity Portfolio Manager 2021 now
Biografie Patrice Collette is an equity portfolio manager at Capital Group. He has 29 years of investment industry experience and has been with Capital Group for 24 years. Earlier in his career at Capital, Patrice was an equity investment analyst and covered health care supplies, devices and service companies, as well as chemicals and insurance companies for Europe. Prior to joining Capital, he worked at two private banking firms, Lombard Odier & Cie and Banque Syz & Co. He holds an MBA from INSEAD, France, and holds degrees from the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva and from the Universities of Lausanne and Geneva. He also holds the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation. Patrice is based in Luxembourg.
Barbara Burtin - 2021 now
Biografie Barbara Burtin is an equity portfolio manager and research director at Capital Group. As an equity investment analyst, she covers European banks and bank outsourcing providers, globally. She has 15 years of investment industry experience, all with Capital Group. Prior to joining Capital, Barbara worked in business development for Capital One Financial in the United States, France and Italy. She also brings a variety of other international business experiences, including entrepreneurship and management consulting. She holds an MBA with honors from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and a master's degree in finance from HEC Paris. Barbara is based in Los Angeles.
Andraz Razen Vice President 2018 now
Biografie Andraz Razen is an equity portfolio manager at Capital Group. As an equity investment analyst at Capital, Andraz is a generalist covering small-cap companies. He has 26 years of investment industry experience and has been with Capital Group for 19 years. Earlier in his career, as an equity investment analyst at Capital, he also covered U.S. health care and supplies companies. Prior to joining Capital, he was an analyst and portfolio manager at Fidelity Investments in Boston. He holds a bachelor's degree in quantitative economics from Tufts University graduating summa cum laude. Andraz is based in London.
Brady L. Enright Senior Vice President 2015 now
Biografie Brady L. Enright is an equity portfolio manager at Capital Group. He has 32 years of investment industry experience and has been with Capital Group for 27 years. Earlier in his career, as an equity investment analyst at Capital, he covered U.S. small-cap companies, as well as commercial services and supplies companies. Prior to joining Capital, Brady was an equity research analyst and portfolio manager for Provident Investment Counsel. He holds an MBA from Harvard Business School and a bachelor's degree in biology from Stanford University. He also holds the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation. Brady is based in San Francisco.
Noriko Honda Chen Senior Vice President 2015 now
Biografie Noriko Honda Chen is an equity portfolio manager at Capital Group. She also serves on the Capital Group Management Committee. She has 33 years of investment industry experience and has been with Capital Group for 25 years. Earlier in her career, as an equity investment analyst at Capital, Noriko covered Asian infrastructure, building materials and construction companies, as well as oil, gas and refining companies. She was also a research director for one of the global groups. Before joining Capital, she worked in the research department of Worldsec International Limited in Hong Kong (a subsidiary of Mitsubishi Bank) and was a manager in corporate finance. Noriko holds a bachelor's degree in economics from Williams College and a degree in the Japanese Language Bekka Program at Keio University, Tokyo. Noriko is based in San Francisco.
Jody Jonsson President 2015 now
Biografie Jody Jonsson is vice chair of Capital Group and president of Capital Research and Management Company. She also serves on the Capital Group Management Committee and is an equity portfolio manager. She has 35 years of investment industry experience and has been with Capital Group for 33 years. Earlier in her career, as an equity investment analyst at Capital, Jody covered insurance, U.S. household & personal care, restaurants & lodging and cruise lines companies. Before joining Capital, she was an equity research analyst at Fidelity Management & Research Company in Boston and an officer in the public finance division of Irving Trust Company in New York. Jody holds an MBA from Stanford Graduate School of Business, where she was an Arjay Miller Scholar, and a bachelor's degree in economics from Princeton University graduating cum laude. Jody is based in Los Angeles.
Robert W. Lovelace Senior Vice President 2015 now
Biografie Robert W. Lovelace is vice chair and president of Capital Group, chief executive officer of Capital Research and Management Company, part of Capital Group, and chair of the Capital Group Management Committee. He is also an equity portfolio manager. Rob has 35 years of investment experience, all with Capital Group. Earlier in his career, Rob was an equity investment analyst at Capital covering global mining & metals companies and companies domiciled in Mexico and the Philippines.
Steven T. Watson Senior Vice President 2015 now
Biografie Steven T. Watson is an equity portfolio manager at Capital Group. He also serves on the Global Solutions Committee. He has 36 years of investment industry experience and has been with Capital Group for 34 years. Earlier in his career, as an equity investment analyst at Capital, he covered Asian property and transportation, as well as European transportation and utilities companies. Before joining Capital, Steven was a buy-side research analyst for Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. in New York.
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