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Blackrock Global Funds - Euro Short Duration Bond Fund D2 Chf Hedged (0P0000X299)

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10,540 0,000    0,00%
14/03 - Gesloten. Valuta in CHF
Type:  Fonds
Markt:  Luxemburg
Emittent:  BlackRock (Luxembourg) SA
ISIN:  LU0827877985 
Activaklasse:  Obligatie
  • Beoordeling Morningstar:
  • Totale activa: 8,88M
BlackRock Global Funds Euro Short Duration Bond 10,540 0,000 0,00%

0P0000X299 Overzicht

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Adres 35 A, avenue J.F. Kennedy,
Luxembourg, L-1855
Telefoon +44 20 77433000
Fax Amsterdam


Naam Titel Sinds Tot
Johan Sjogren Director 2024 now
Biografie Johan Sjogren, Director, is a member of the European Fixed Income Team within BlackRock Fundamental Fixed Income Portfolio Management Group. Mr. Sjogren joined Blackrock in 2010 from Bank of America Merrill Lynch where he worked as an analyst. Mr. Sjogren earned a B.Sc. degree, with First Class Honours, in Financial Economics from the University of St Andrews in 2008. Since joining BlackRock Mr. Sjogren has focused on managing aggregate flexible strategies with a focus on rates and currencies.
Georgie Merson - 2024 now
Giulia Artolli - 2024 now
Christopher Allen Portfolio Manager 2015 2024
Biografie Chris Allen, CFA, director, is a member of the Euro Fixed Income team within BlackRock's Fundamental Fixed Income Portfolio Management Group. He is responsible for managing both institutional and retail mandates, specialising in government-only and aggregate strategies with a focus on rates, sovereigns and inflation-linked bonds. He is co-portfolio manager on the BlackRock Global Funds (BGF) Euro Short Duration Bond Fund. Chris’ service with the firm dates back to 2004, including his years with Merrill Lynch Investment Managers (MLIM), which merged with BlackRock in 2006. He began his career a
Michael Krautzberger - 2006 2024
Biografie Michael Krautzberger, CFA, EFFAS, Managing Director, is Chief Investment Officer and member of the board of BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG. Michael heads the Euro Fixed Income team within BlackRock's Fundamental Fixed Income Portfolio Management Group and is a member of Blackrock's EMEA Leadership Committee. Mr. Krautzberger's service with the firm dates back to 2005, including his years with Merrill Lynch Investment Managers (MLIM), which merged with BlackRock in 2006. He joined MLIM as head of the European Fixed Income Aggregate portfolio team and was responsible for the UCITS III restructuring of the MLIIF Euro Bond Funds. Prior to joining MLIM, Mr. Krautzberger was head of European fixed income at Union Investment in Frankfurt since 1999. Previously, he spent five years with Deutsche Bank's DWS, where he managed global fixed income portfolios and was responsible for the pre-Euro European currency unit and structured products. Mr. Krautzberger earned a BA degree in business administration and computer science from the European Business School in 1994, and a MA degree in economics from the University of Hagen in 1996.
Jozef Prokes - 2019 2021
Russell Maddox - 2003 2006
Biografie Russell Maddox, Managing Director, is Chief Investment Officer for BlackRock's Fundamental investment processes in Australia. In this role he is responsible for the oversight and management of all fundamental investment processes and products in Australia. He heads BlackRock Multi-Asset Client Solutions (BMACs) in Australia. BMACs is responsible for developing, assembling, and managing investment solutions involving multiple strategies and asset classes. Mr. Maddox joined BlackRock following the merger with Merrill Lynch Investment Managers (MLIM) in 2006. As MLIM, he was the Managing Director and Co-Chief Investment Officer for MLIM Australia with responsibility for MLIM's Fixed Income and Multi-Asset classes. In 2000, Mr. Maddox joined MLIM Australia as Head of Australian Fixed Income and in 2001 he was promoted to Head of Global Fixed Income, based in London. On his return to MLIM Australia in 2004 he took up the role of Co-Chief Investment Officer. Mr. Maddox began his career working for the Australian Commonwealth Treasury in Canberra in 1980, before moving to the private sector where he worked in both research and fund management. Mr. Maddox earned a BEc, with honours, in economics from Monash University in Melbourne in 1980.
Gareth A. Fielding - 2002 2003
Peter Geikie-Cobb Head 2001 2002
Biografie Peter joined Thames River Capital in August 2003. In 2002, he was Head of Global Fixed Income at Insight Investment managing retail and institutional mandates. From 1992 to 2002 Peter held various positions at Mercury Asset Management/Merrill Lynch Investment Managers. He started his career in 1985 with Aall Investment Management. Peter has 18 years of investment and industry experience.
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