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Bendigo Conservative Ws Fund (0P00007HUA)

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1,071 -0,002    -0,18%
12/03 - Gesloten. Valuta in AUD
Type:  Fonds
Markt:  Australië
Emittent:  Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited
ISIN:  AU60STL00121 
Activaklasse:  Aandeel
  • Beoordeling Morningstar:
  • Totale activa: 96,21M
Bendigo Conservative WS Fund 1,071 -0,002 -0,18%

0P00007HUA Overzicht

Op deze pagina vindt u een uitgebreid profiel van Bendigo Conservative Ws Fund. Kom meer te weten over onder meer het senior management, de totale activa, de investeringsstrategie en de contactgegevens van 0P00007HUA.

Multisector Moderate

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Contact Informatie

Adres Sydney, 2000
Sydney, 2000
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Fax Sydney


Naam Titel Sinds Tot
Michael Croser - 2022 now
Biografie For the past six years Michael worked as a buy-side analyst with Perpetual Investments covering mainly large cap healthcare ASX listed stocks along with some media and mining service companies. Michael started his financial services career at Taylor Collison as a sell-side analyst, and prior to this spent the first nine years in industry as a qualified Pharmacist.
Thomas Mark Nitschke Portfolio Manager 2012 now
Biografie Tom is the Portfolio Manager for the Bendigo multi-asset class suite of funds. Based in Adelaide South Australia, Tom holds responsibility for the performance of the funds, completing and overseeing functions such as manager selection, asset allocation and investment strategy.  Tom has over 16 years experience in the finance and investments industry working in various roles across Bendigo and Adelaide Bank.  Tom started his career at Adelaide Bank developing systems to analyse work flow through the Processing Department, before taking the responsibility for data analytics on the groups asset and liability flows within the Products Department.  Tom started his investment experience in 2007 as an analyst within Adelaide Managed Funds (a wholly owned subsidiary of Adelaide Bank) and worked his way up to Portfolio Manager post the Adelaide Bank Bendigo merger. Tom has completed a Bachelor of Business majoring in Management Information Systems (University of S.A.), Diploma of Financial Services (Kaplan), Master of Applied Finance (Kaplan) and has passed the CFA level II program.
Thad McCrindle - 2011 now
Biografie Thadeus has worked in investment roles for over 20 years with JP Morgan and Bendigo & Adelaide Bank. At JP Morgan he worked in a quantitative role modelling Derivatives, listed and unlisted assets. He joined the Bendigo & Adelaide Bank Group in 2005 working in structured finance. In 2006 this business launched a number of funds including a deep credit & enhanced cash funds and Thadeus moved into the funds management team for these funds. He performed credit analysis and managed the enhanced cash portfolio from that time. The GFC impacted investor appetite in some of these products but he continues to manage enhanced cash assets to present day. In 2010 Thadeus took on additional leadership responsibility across the multi-asset portfolios, Superannuation Investment Strategy and Estates & Charitable trust portfolio management. These functions involve manager selection, and portfolio construction, active asset allocation and capital markets research. Thadeus is a CFA charter holder, has a Bachelor of Finance from the University of Adelaide and a Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance and Investment from FINSIA.
Shirley He - 2018 2023
Biografie Shirley joined the Bank in 2018, hired straight into the Sandhurst Diversified Funds investment team. Shirley has a lengthy academic background: she graduated from the University of Adelaide with a Bachelor of Finance and was subsequently hired by the Business School at University of Adelaide as a teaching and research assistant. Teaching in Portfolio Theory Management and Advanced Funds Management and facilitating a pioneer research-led project known as Small Group Discovery Experience (SGDE) deepened her understanding of the industry allowed her to contribute immediately to the investment team once hired.
Dom Chiuchiolo - 2018 2023
Biografie In 2018 Dom joined the Sandhurst Diversified Funds investment team as an analyst, and in September 2021 was promoted to Senior Investment Analyst with coverage responsibilities of Defensive Assets. Dom first joined the organisation through the extensive Bendigo Bank Graduate Program, in which he was selected from thousands of graduating applicants to join the Finance and Treasury rotation. Throughout his time in the program, he gained valuable insights to many areas of the bank. Spending time with the Statutory and Regulatory reporting team, and the Securitisation team, Dom built his strengths in accounting, financial instruments and structuring. His time spent with the bank’s Products team gave him valuable insights to the banks operations and built his financial modelling skills. Dom holds a Bachelor of Commerce (Corporate Finance) from the University of Adelaide, in this time he also completed an exchange program to the U.S where he studied in California. Dom is a CFA Charterholder.
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