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Axa Im Fixed Income Investment Strategies - Us Corporate Intermediate Bonds E Capitalisation Eur Hdg (0P0000U0VW)

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105,710 -0,080    -0,08%
14/03 - Gesloten. Valuta in EUR
Type:  Fonds
Markt:  Luxemburg
Emittent:  AXA Funds Management S.A.
ISIN:  LU0546067538 
Activaklasse:  Obligatie
  • Beoordeling Morningstar:
  • Totale activa: 1,71B
AXA IM Fixed Income Investment Strategies US Cor 105,710 -0,080 -0,08%

0P0000U0VW Overzicht

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Adres Paseo de la Castellana 93, 6a planta
Madrid,none 28046
Telefoon +34 91 406 72 18
Fax +34 91 406 72 01


Naam Titel Sinds Tot
Guillaume Arnould Fixed Income Analyst 2020 now
Biografie Guillaume is a portfolio engineer with AXA IM. Guillaume joined AXA IM in Paris in 2003 as an associate business analyst. In 2005, he moved to the Investment Solutions group; first as an associate finance project manager for one year and then to London as a client relationship manager. Guillaume has a Master's Degree of Mathematics and Computer Sciences from the University of Paris-Dauphine, and a joint Master's Degree of Management & Sciences from the University of Pierre & Marie Curie and University of Paris-Dauphine. *Usage of this biography is subject to legal provisions regarding the protection of personal data and must conform to the intended usage.
Frank A. Olszewski Portfolio Manager 2014 now
Biografie Frank is a portfolio manager/analyst with AXA IM. Prior to joining AXA IM in 2008, he was a portfolio manager in the institutional fixed income division of BNY Asset Management (BNYAM), where he managed core fixed income portfolios and was the head of credit strategy. Prior to joining BNYAM, he was an associate portfolio manager at GE Asset Management (GEAM), where he managed credit and ABS portfolios. Prior to joining GEAM, he was an assistant portfolio manager at Fiduciary Trust Co. International. Frank holds a B.A. from Franklin & Marshall College and has the CFA professional designation.Frank has been the Head of US Investment Grade Credit since 2014 and a Portfolio Manager within the US investment grade team since joining AXA IM in 2008. In addition to managing core strategies, Frank is also responsible for covering the telecommunications and railroad sectors research. Prior to AXA IM, he was a Portfolio Manager in the institutional fixed income division of BNY Asset Management (BNYAM) for six years, where he managed core fixed income portfolios and was the Head of Credit Strategy. Prior to joining BNYAM, he was an Associate Portfolio Manager at GE Asset Management for three years, where he managed credit and ABS portfolios. Frank started his career in 1994, with Fiduciary Trust Co. International, as an Assistant Portfolio Manager for five years. Frank holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Management from Franklin & Marshall College; and is also a CFA charterholder. *Usage of this biography is subject to legal provisions regarding the protection of personal data and must conform to the intended usage.
Steven Nelson - 2014 2020
Robert J. Houle Portfolio Manager/Analyst 2008 2014
Biografie Rob is a Portfolio Manager/ Analyst within the US High Yield team, a role he has held since 2008. In addition to managing core high yield portfolios, he is also responsible for research coverage of the basic industry sector. Rob joined AXA IM in 2005 as a US High Yield Credit Analyst. Before joining AXA IM, he was a Trader for three years on the institutional equity trading desk at Lehman Brothers where he traded energy related stocks. Robert holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Psychology from Williams College; and is also a CFA charterholder.
David Kinsley Principal 2008 2014
Biografie David W. Kinsley, CFA, is a Principal, Head of Investing and a Senior Portfolio Manager. He is responsible for portfolio management, research & trading processes with specific responsibility for management of dedicated responsible-focused short duration funds and benchmarked short duration mandates. He previously was Co-Head of US Investing at AXA Investment Managers where he was instrumental in designing customized regional solutions for a global insurance company clientele, and was lead PM for a Custom Credit negative basis strategy that grew to >$15bn. Mr. Kinsley’s career includes co-founder and CFO of BookCentral International, an online textbook arbitrage enterprise, and analyst in the Consumer Retail group at Lehman Brothers. He holds a BA from Williams College.
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