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Allianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Treasury Short Term Plus Euro I Eur (0P00000WKB)

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930,130 -0,070    -0,01%
14/03 - Vertraagde Data. Valuta in EUR
Type:  Fonds
Markt:  Luxemburg
Emittent:  Allianz Global Investors GmbH
ISIN:  LU0178432067 
Activaklasse:  Obligatie
  • Beoordeling Morningstar:
  • Totale activa: 144,31M
Allianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Treasury S 930,130 -0,070 -0,01%

0P00000WKB Overzicht

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Adres L-2633 Senningerberg
Frankfurt am Main, 60323
Telefoon +49 (0) 69 2443-1140
Fax Milano


Naam Titel Sinds Tot
Klaus Kusber - 2022 now
Biografie Klaus Kusber is a Director and a Senior Portfolio Manager at the Advanced Fixed Income Global Allocation – Positioning team at Allianz Global Investors, where he is responsible for foreign exchange and fixed income mandates. Klaus has been an investment professional since 1994. He joined the group in June 2007 as senior portfolio manager, specializing in the area of Foreign Exchange (FX), focus on emerging as well as developed FX markets, with a model-informed approach. Before joining the company, Klaus headed the FX management team of Pioneer Investments in Dublin, Ireland, for more than two years, where he was the lead Portfolio Manager of Pioneer’s dedicated currency fund. Previous to that Klaus worked as a Portfolio Manager at Helaba Invest, Frankfurt for five years specialising in FX management and asset allocation for balanced funds. Prior to that, he held the position of FX Strategist at Dresdner Kleinwort Benson where he worked for six years. Klaus graduated in Economics from the University of Mainz, Germany and he is a certified EFFAS financial analyst (1997).
Michael Verhofen Portfolio Manager 2013 now
Biografie Dr. Michael Verhofen is a Director and a Lead Portfolio Manager at the Advanced Fixed Income Global Allocation – Positioning team at Allianz Global Investors. He has been a portfolio manager at Allianz Global Investors since 2007 and joined the Advanced Fixed Income team in October 2012. He is also a part-time Lecturer in Finance at the University of St. Gallen (HSG), Switzerland. Michael Verhofen finished his studies at the University of St. Gallen with a PhD in Finance. He was a Post-Doc at the University of California at Berkeley and has published various articles in leading academic journals (e.g. “Tactical Industry Allocation and Model Uncertainty”, “The Effect of Market Regimes on Style Allocation”, “Testing Conditional Asset Pricing Models using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo Approach”). He has been a CFA charterholder since 2009.
Lars Dahlhoff - 2013 now
Florian Urbschat - 2021 2022
Biografie Dr. Florian Urbschat is a portfolio manager in Allianz Global Investors’ Advanced Fixed Income Monetary Policy & Markets team in Frankfurt. Florian joined Allianz Global Investors in January 2019. Before joining the company he was a Ph.D. Trainee at the European Central Bank in the Macroprudential Policy and Financial Stability division. From 2013 to 2018 Florian was working as a research and teaching assistant at the Munich Graduate School of Economics where he taught Macroeconomic and Econometrics classes. His research was primarily related to unconventional monetary policy measures focusing on the effects of quantitative easing and negative interest rates. During this time, he was also a visiting researcher at the Deutsche Bundesbank and had a short research visit at the University of Chicago. Florian studied Economics, Management, and Politics and in Hamburg, Dundee, Warsaw and Munich. After graduating with two Bachelor’s degrees in Economics and Management from the University of Hamburg and the University of Abertay Dundee, he completed his Master in European Studies at the University of Hamburg. Subsequently, Florian earned a Dr. oec. publ. in Economics at the LMU Munich.
Michael Brandl - 2010 2013
Andrew Bosomworth Managing Director 2009 2013
Biografie Mr. Bosomworth is a managing director in the Munich office and head of PIMCO portfolio management in Germany. Prior to joining PIMCO in 2001, he worked at the European Central Bank, Merrill Lynch and at New Zealand’s Debt Management Office. He holds a master's degree in economics from the University of Canterbury, New Zealand. He also graduated from the Advanced Studies Program in International Policy Research at the Kiel Institute in Germany.
Kristion Mierau - 2008 2010
Matthieu Louanges - 2004 2009
Biografie Started at Fund Company in 1998. Started to manage Fund in 1998.
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