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Abrdn Sicav I - All China Sustainable Equity Fund Z Acc Usd (0P0000FWUJ)

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18,961 +0,560    +3,03%
14/03 - Gesloten. Valuta in USD
Type:  Fonds
Markt:  Luxemburg
Emittent:  Aberdeen Global Services SA
ISIN:  LU0278910632 
Activaklasse:  Aandeel
  • Beoordeling Morningstar:
  • Totale activa: 353,57M
Aberdeen Global Chinese Equity Fund Z 2 USD Acc 18,961 +0,560 +3,03%

0P0000FWUJ Overzicht

Op deze pagina vindt u een uitgebreid profiel van Abrdn Sicav I - All China Sustainable Equity Fund Z Acc Usd. Kom meer te weten over onder meer het senior management, de totale activa, de investeringsstrategie en de contactgegevens van 0P0000FWUJ.

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Contact Informatie

Adres 109, rue du Faubourg Saint Honore
Paris,NA 75008
Telefoon +33(0) 1 53 53 93 94
Fax (352) 24 52 90 56


Naam Titel Sinds Tot
Alec Jin Manager 2018 now
Biografie Alec Jin is an Investment Manager at Aberdeen Standard Investments. Alec joined the company in July 2018 from Standard Chartered Bank where he worked as a Director in Leveraged Finance team. Prior to that, he worked for Citibank in the Technology, Media and Telecom Investment Banking team. Alec graduated with a BA in Business Administration from University of Michigan. He passed Level I of the CFA Program in 2008.
Bush Chu - 2018 now
Elizabeth Kwik - 2013 now
Biografie Elizabeth Kwik is an Investment Manager on the China/Hong Kong Equities Team at abrdn. Elizabeth joined the company in 2013. Elizabeth graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Economics from the London School of Economics.
Nicholas Yeo Member 2013 now
Biografie Nicholas Yeo is the Head of Equities - China at abrdn. Nicholas joined the company in 2000 via the acquisition of Murray Johnstone. He was seconded to the London Global Emerging Market team for two years where he covered EMEA and Latin American companies, before returning to the Asian Equities team in Singapore in March 2004. In March 2007, he transferred to Hong Kong to lead Chinese equity research. Nicholas holds a BA (Hons) in Accounting and Finance from The University of Manchester and an MSc in Financial Mathematics from Warwick Business School. Nicholas is a CFA® charterholder.
David Smith Portfolio Manager 2011 2018
Biografie managing director, is a regional investment manager specialising in Asia Pacific ex Japan or Asia ex Japan portfolios with the Pacific Regional Group in Hong Kong. David joined the firm in 2004. Prior to joining the firm, he spent three years with Paradice Cooper Investors in Sydney as an investment manager after working for one year at Merrill Lynch Investment Management in London as an analyst. David began his career in 1992 with Westpac Investment Management
Nicholas Chui Investment Director 2011 2018
Biografie Mr. Chui has been lead portfolio manager of the Fund since May 2023. He has primary responsibility for the investments of the Fund. He has final authority over all aspects of the Fund's investment portfolio, including but not limited to, purchases and sales of individual securities, portfolio risk assessment, and the management of daily cash balances in accordance with anticipated investment management requirements. The degree to which he may perform these functions, and the nature of these functions, may change from time to time. He joined Franklin Templeton in April 2023. Prior to joining Franklin Templeton, he was a portfolio manager of BlackRock’s China equity strategy since 2020. Prior to joining BlackRock, he spent 10 years at abrdn, most recently serving as deputy head of the Hong Kong/China Equity team at abrdn, and lead manager of the abrdn China A Shares Equity strategy.
Thomas Reeves - 2010 2018
Gan Ai-Mee Senior Associate 2009 2018
Biografie Gan Ai-Mee is an Investment Manager on the Asian Equities Team. Ai-Mee joined Aberdeen in April 2009. Previously, Ai-Mee worked as a Senior Associate with Transaction Advisory Services at Ernst & Young. Ai-Mee holds a BCom in Accounting & Finance and BSc in Information Systems, University of Melbourne. She is also a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia.
Frank Tian Investment Analyst 2008 2018
Biografie Frank Tian is an Investment Manager on the China/Hong Kong Equities Team. Frank joined Aberdeen in 2008 having completed an internship with the Global Emerging Market Equities Team in summer 2007. Frank holds a BSc (Hons) in Economics from the London School of Economics.
Louis Lu - 2008 2018
Biografie Louis Lu is an Investment Manager on the Asian equities team. Louis joined the company in 2008 upon graduation. Louis graduated with a BSc in Financial Mathematics from Peking University, China and a Master of Public Policy (MPP) in Economics from the National University of Singapore and is a CFA Charterholder. CFA® and Chartered Financial Analyst® are registered trademarks owned by CFA Institute.
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