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Conferenties & Congressen

Shorex Wealth Management Forum London

Organisator:  Shorex
Start: 09.10.2014 10:30
Einde: 09.10.2014 20:00
Bond Street, Mayfair,
Verenigd Koninkrijk
Prijs: Visit site
Telefoon: +44 20 7482 1000
Fax: +44 20 7482 1100

The Shorex Wealth Management Forum London is a unique networking platform for providers and distributors of financial products and solutions to International HNWIs.

The event is focusing on centres of emerging wealth by specifically inviting family offices, private bankers and fiduciaries from London and across Europe who jointly represent over 1,000 high net worth clients from countries such as Russia, Kazakhstan, Brazil, China, South Korea, and India.

The programme comprises of a one-day exhibition and conference. The event is designed for the top industry advisors. The conference reflects the recent challenging times and the very dynamic nature of the industry in relation to the inflow of high net worth clients coming from BRIC, CIVETS and N-11 countries.

Shorex has been organising international events since 1996 ranging from wealth management conferences, one-to-one meetings to CEO Summits and luxury lifestyle exhibitions. As a result of our extensive work in the wealth management sector, we have a unique database of family offices and advisors to HNWIs worldwide. This experience allows us to stage quality events where top industry professionals like lawyers, accountants, private bankers, asset managers and other qualified investors get together to discuss the current needs of international private clients.

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