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Conferenties & Congressen

Beyond Bitcoin

Organisator:  The Mankoff Company
Start: 23.07.2014 18:45
Einde: 23.07.2014 22:00
40 West 45th Street,
New York,
Verenigde Staten
Prijs: Visit Site
Telefoon: 347-463-9551
Beyond Bitcoin

Beyond Bitcoin—Examining the Long Game for Cryptocurrencies: Investments, Technologies & the Impact of Regulation

Panel Discussions for Institutions, Traders, Hedge Funds & Others 
in the Financial Markets

Following the overwhelming response in a standing-room only discussion in the spring for our NY and London events, The Mankoff Company continues the conversation with the latest in-depth discussions on the long game when it comes to investment and development of technologies as well as uncovering new opportunities and understanding challenges within cryptocurrencies.
Bringing together expert panels, and held after trading hours provide a unique opportunity for the FinTech industry to gain knowledge as well as network with key participants in the industry. Join us on Wednesday, July 23, 2014 and learn why 2000+ of your industry colleague have attended Mankoff Company events.

4:45 pm  Registration

5:15 pm  Protocol Developments

Impact of the block chain
How bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies can be trusted by the traditional financial markets
Currency or commodity? And how that will impact regulatory review of the use of cryptocurrencies

Panelists include:

Emmanuel Abiodun, President & CCO, PeerNova
Bobby Cho, Director, itBit Pte Ltd

6:00 pm  Alternative Technologies & Investment Opportunities

How technologies developed for cryptocurrencies can be applied outside the sphere
Attracting investors and deciding which technology warrants more investment
Understanding and exploiting opportunities in developing markets

Panelists include:

Emmanuel Abiodun, President & CCO, PeerNova
Jonathan Silverman, Partner, Sator Square Partners

6:45 pm   Networking Reception

Following the conclusion of the Roundtable Panel Sessions join us for a Networking Reception to further discuss the most top of mind issues of those involved in the financial markets.

For further information about the event or if you are interested in speaking or sponsoring, please contact 

Register here!

Who will be Attending the Event:
  • Hedge Funds
  • Investors
  • Venture Capitalists
  • Proprietary Trading Desks
  • High Frequency Traders
  • Traders
  • FX, Options and Futures Trading Desks
  • Commodity Trading Advisors
  • Risk Managers
  • Portfolio Managers
  • Cryptocurrency Firms
  • Broker/Dealers
  • Exchanges
  • Technology Firms
  • Clearing & Settlement Firms
  • Solution Providers
  • Law Firms
  • Consulting & Advisory Firms
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